Janete Antônio is nine years old and lives with her family in the community of Namuinho, in Mozambique. Janete is orphaned by her father, who died of a chronic illness when Janete was still very young. The family lived in the district of Alto Molocue, but with the death of Janete’s stepfather, the family migrated to the city of Quelimane, seeking better living conditions due to their extreme vulnerability. When they arrived in Quelimane, Life Church helped the family integrate into the community.
Their home is, however, in precarious conditions besides being in an area not advisable for construction because of the mangroves and salt water. Sometime later, Janete’s mother abandoned her daughters to live with another man, and her older sister Victoria, took over running their home. Recently her mum returned to the family home for care as she is chronically ill.
The family is being strengthened through the work of Life Church so that the family remains together even in these difficult times. Janete is in Grade 5 at the Peace School this year and is a very dedicated and intelligent girl. Her biggest dream is to become a nurse and to serve her community. Her sister Adelaide is also studying at the Peace School.
Through being a part of the Life Child Peace School, Janete and Adelaide, have access to quality education and a healthy daily meal. Preventative healthcare is provided. They also have opportunities for social and spiritual development.
Janete and her family are so thankful to Life Child and all the supporters who assist in giving them a second chance at a better life. We invite you to help sponsor a child monthly for only R300/ $30/ 20 Pounds. For more information or to become a Sponsor, visit: https://lifechild.org.za/sponsor-a-child/
*Please note: Janete was eight years old and in Grade 4 at the time of filming her One Life Story video.