History of Life Child Mozambique
In 1999, the Life Church family grew through sending Annmaree Jorge to Mozambique, in order to plant a Life Church there. This was founded on a promise that was given through Isaiah 60:22 “A small one will become a thousand and a small one a Mighty nation”. This established the Vision of Life Church, to become a multiplying Cell Church, being raised up to impact its surrounding community and nation, one life at a time.
As Esvaldo and Annmaree Jorge developed the church in Mozambique, it became clear that there was a tremendous need to reach out to the huge number of orphan and vulnerable children present in their community. By using a holistic approach to ministry, schools were established where the lives of many children could be impacted spiritually as well as educationally. Health care and skills training together with pastoral support followed.
Today we are seeing churches being planted throughout our country and through Life Child Mozambique we are seeing hundreds of children being rescued, educated and given a new opportunity with a strong sense of hope and belief in the future, one life at a time.