Malawi home-made ice cream #MerryMeals4Moz

Home / Malawi home-made ice cream #MerryMeals4Moz

Malwi home-made ice cream
Malwi home-made ice cream
We want to encourage you to host a dinner in the name of Life Child as a part of #MerryMeals4Moz campaign. Here is an awesome recipe shared by Catherine Msonda,our Life Child Malawi country director, that you can prepare for your guest.
Homemade Ice cream
3/4 cup Finowhip
1 cup evaporated milk
1/4 tin condensed milk
Melted Chocolate(Optional)
Put Finowhip, evaporated milk and vanilla in a bowl. Whip until it thickens. Then add condensed milk and mix with a spatula.
Refrigerate for 3 – 6 hours , our Life Child Malawi country director, that you can prepare for your guest.
You can top with melted chocolate and sprinkles as i did or serve it plain.

We hope this recipe inspires you to invite over your friends and family and support the work of Life Child. 
Merry Christmas! 




Evija Vlad