Delicious South African Malva pudding #MerryMeals4Moz

Home / Delicious South African Malva pudding #MerryMeals4Moz

South African desert - Malva pudding
South African desert – Malva pudding




We want to encourage you to host a dinner in the name of Life Child as a part of #MerryMeals4Moz campaign. Here is a South African recipe of Malva pudding that you can prepare for your guests.
To host a dinner in the name of Life Child sign up here! 


Ingredients for the Malva:

  • 400g treacle sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 25g Apricot Jam
  • 7,5g bicarb
  • 1,25g salt
  • 125g butter
  • 7,5g white vinegar
  • 150g milk
  • 250g flour


Ingredients for the syrup:


  • 500g cream
  • 150g butter
  • 250g sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod or vanilla essence




Whisk eggs & sugar.
Melt butter and milk together.
Fold in dry ingredients & warm liquid alternatively.
Mix in apricot jam.
Lastly, add vinegar.
Bake at 160 degrees.
Leave the Malva in the oven to bake for about 20-30 minutes.
Mix the ingredients for the syrup in a small pot on a heated stove.
Soak the Malva with the syrup while warm.


Use for plating the Malva pudding:

  • Apricot halves
  • Crushed tennis biscuits
  • Vanilla ice cream/ sorbet

We hope this recipe inspires you to invite over your friends and family and support the work of Life Child. 
Merry Christmas! 


Evija Vlad